The most recent sales forecast from the market research company eMarketer shows retail sales increasing by 3.5 percent in 2016, up slightly over 2015’s 3.3 percent growth. This will translate into close to $5 billion in total U.S. retail sales over the coming year, or more than a fifth of the world’s retail transactions.

And, to the surprise of few, brick and mortar establishments were far and away the most popular point of purchase in the retail sector, accounting for more than 92 percent of the market share. However, eMarketer is predicting that ecommerce will continue on its path of steady, if slow, incursion on market share, rising from a 7.1 percent in 2015 to 9.8% by the end of 2019.

The future holds promise for all who operate in either or both sectors.

eMarketer. US Retail Sales to Near $5 Trillion in 2016, December 21, 2015.