Social media marketing is a great way to inject some personality into your brand and connect with your customers. But which platform is right for your business? Basically, it all comes down to the type of folks you’re trying to reach, the type of content you plan on sharing, and the amount of effort you’re willing to put into your marketing.

Fortunately, the good folks at Likeable Media have put together a swank infographic that lays out the pros and the cons of the top 7 social media platforms for promoting your brand. Some interesting takeaways:

  • Facebook: Good reach across a wide audience, but its popularity means you’ll be competing with a lot of other businesses to be heard.
  • Twitter: A popular platform that skews to a young crowd, but posts tend to be fleeting and short-lived.
  • Instagram: Great platform for sharing visual media (images and videos), but businesses are still trying to figure out the best way to leverage it for advertising.
  • Pinterest: Another good platform for sharing visual media, but works best when augmenting an existing social media presence.
  • Google+: Tightly integrated with Google Search, Google AdWords, and YouTube, so the SEO benefits are readily apparent. However, it still hasn’t quite caught on as a social media platform of choice.
  • LinkedIn: Its business focus makes it great for establishing your brand within the industry, but it’s not well suited for reaching out to customers (unless your focus is B2B).
  • Snapchat: Great for reaching young mobile customers, but requires considerable effort (and creativity) to reap any marketing benefits.