We talk to business owners every day who use paper calendars, even sticky notes, to take appointments and plan their time.

Does having a physical calendar make you feel like you’re more in control? It’s just not true.

Here’s why your paper calendar belongs in the trash.

It’s just messy.

No, it’s not just your handwriting that’s messy.

Do you write down appointment information instead of using an online calendar?

If you need to edit or update it, it’s a lot harder than it has to be. And if you’re scribbling notes on top of one another, you’re probably losing critical details.

Clients are flaky.

Clients cancel all the time. And the ones who don’t cancel have a chance of no-showing.

When you use a physical calendar instead of a digital one, you lose track of these. And, you lack the ability to automate things like appointment reminders to try to reduce them.

It’s disconnected.

These days, you can connect your appointments to things like:

  • Client records
  • Payment processing
  • Text and email marketing

If your appointments are stuck in your paper calendar, you make it a lot harder to get paid and follow up.