Television advertising has the widest span in the upscale Baby Boomer group who are earning incomes of at least $75 annually, according to MarketingCharts. Marketing Charts cited the Shullman Research Center, which segments prior data by generation

The majority—approximately three-quarters—of the so-called “upscale Boomers” reported having viewed television ads in the prior 30 days before the survey. Most—53 percent—reported that they saw or heard advertising in mail sent to their homes, as well as in newspapers, both printed or digital. This group accounted for 51 percent, according to MarketingCharts.

The data, according to Marketing Charts, is based on the Shullman Luxury, Affluence and Wealth Pulse, Fall 2014 wave. This survey was conducted online between August 22 and August 27, 2014 and involved adults who were aged 18 or older, wrote MarketingCharts.

For the survey, five sample groups, a total of 1,665 respondents, were involved. This included a representative national sample of adults that involved 1,003 interviews. Another four household-income segments were also targeted so that the following number of completed interviews could be obtained. This led to a total of 1,056 interviews among the upscale Boomer group, MarketingCharts indicated.


MarketingCharts; Where Upscale Boomers Notice Advertising; December 12, 2014.